Innovation Hype and Why We Should Wait on AI Regulation


From the best of season 1: Innovation is great…but hype is bad. Not only has all this talk of innovation not increased innovation, but it also creates a bad environment in which leaders can make reasoned judgments about where to devote resources. So says @Lee Vinsel, professor in the Department of Science, Technology and Society at Virgina Tech, in this Ethical Machines episode.

ALSO! We want proactive regulations before the sh!t hits the fan, right? Not so fast, says Lee. Proactive regulations presuppose we’re good at predicting how technologies will be applied, and we have a terrible track record on that front. Perhaps reactive regs are appropriate (and we need to focus on making a more agile government).

Super interesting conversation that will push you to think differently about innovation and what appropriate regulation looks like.


Listen to the full episode :


The Peril of Principles in AI Ethics


Businesses are afraid to say “ethics”